Sunday, September 16, 2007


Jenny asked what some of my favorite Pizza combinations were and ironically I just tried to make my own chicken alfredo and it actually turned out pretty well. Some day I will be ambitious enough to make a sourdough crust which I think does make a good difference. With the Chicken alfredo I followed pretty close what I told you with the recipe book. If you have the time a fresh garlic butter and fresh alfredo sauce would have made a better pizza, but I don't have as much time. You start with the garlic butter spread then follow with the alfredo sauce (I found that the classico brand worked pretty well). Then sprinkle with your pizza cheese and then follow with the chicken and green onions and bake. Then after baking I added the fresh tomatoes...mmmm it was really good, I was glad to see it turn out so well, especially since I have had some really bad knock-off's at other pizza restaurants. And we made it half and half too so one side was supreme which is still Andrew's favorite even though he did like the chicken alfredo too. Just a few notes, don't be skimpy on the garlic butter and alfredo especially if you are using a lot of chicken. I would say one chicken breast would have been fine for the half size pizza we made.


Lees Everything Homemade said...

Mmmm...I'm hungry for pizza now! And that doesn't happen very often.

Tink said...

Thanks for the tip!