Friday, April 11, 2008

Non-Traditional Chicken Enchiladas

Now, some of you may have tried this method of enchiladas before, but up until last night, I had not. I tend to be a purist of sorts when it comes to food. I don't care how much longer it takes me - I am determined to do it the way God intended it to be done (at my interpretation, of course).

Last night was my breaking point as I simply just ran out of time. I gave in and layered my enchilada ingredients as opposed to rolling each individual serving and laying them nicely snug in the pan. Instead of rolls, we had Layer #1- red sauce, Layer #2 - two tortillas, Layer #3 - filling, Layer #4 Spanish Rice, and so forth and so on, until I finally topped the dish with cheese and a little red sauce to finish it off.

The result was pure guilt. At least I had held off mixing the rice and the filling together, but even with that fact to console me, I was feeling like a traitor as I cut my enchiladas into SQUARES!

Apologetically, I served my family the new speedy version and held back as I took the first bite. (Funny that I even cared, it's not like they're not already "Americanized". In all truth, this layering style just made it more cohesive to it's theme!) But, to my astonishment, the layering of ingredients didn't alter the taste at all and I concluded that the extra 30 minutes saved was so well worth the effort! It might take some time, but I could learn to get past the presentation.

As I went to have lunch this afternoon, I thought of that yummy dish and headed for the fridge, bracing myself for my new-found-favorite, square enchiladas. Much to my surprise, my dear, sweet son had added insult to injury by smashing each individual square into a tall container, having to use up three of them before the whole pan was emptied. Now, explain to me how I am supposed to eat enchiladas in the form of a tower!

Alas, I did, and as I am sure you have guessed, they tasted just as good as they had the night before, maybe even better! Good-bye tradition, Hello convenience!

(If you are interested in these towering enchiladas and want the recipe, just reply in the comments and I will post it.)


DeAnna said...

LOL- Tower Enchiladas...this could be big!

Becky said...

I have yet to succumb, although I have told myself that layering is how it's going to happen the next time I make enchiladas verde. I'll let y'all know.

paige said...

I pop over here from time to time from DeAnna's blog for new dinner ideas. I would love a post or an email on how you did this - although it probably seems like a stupid question if they are actually "easier" than traditional enchiladas. I tend to do better with cookbook instructions. This looks good & it got me in the mood to make lasagna as well!

Lees Everything Homemade said...

I will post that recipe as soon as I can. At the current moment, I am across the country visiting the East Coast. I don't have the Mexican Red Sauce recipe in my head, so I'll wait until I get back to look that up for you. I'll get it posted next week, I promise