Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I mentioned on my blog that I am going to be needing some recipes for TOMATOES. I really don't have any, but if anyone of you have any good recipes for soups, salsas, spaghetti, marinara, or pizza sauces. I would really appreciate anything! (Jenny I know you had a tomato soup recipe that I would love if you could share). ALSO...a thought if you added them as a new post, I could just print out the whole page.

1 comment:

Lees Everything Homemade said...

If you look on the sidebar of this blog, you'll find all the recipes posted. Under "canning recipes" there are a few I posted last year. One is for fresh salsa, one for spaghetti sauce and another is for bottled salsa. Not too mention the recipes in the cookbook. Jenny's tomato soup is good too, and I don't even love tomato soup. Good luck!